October 30, 2011

Dear Halloween

Dear Halloween,

You get armies of slutty women, super-brave soldiers, live superheroes and free candy. I get one creepy fat guy. I want a do-over!


(Oh, This.. i think, would be Halloween's reply.)

Dear Christmas,

I get slutty girls, yes. But you get naughty women and presents wrapped in red, gold and green. I guess that makes us even?


* LOL. It's Halloween! I'm not really a fan of this holiday. I love Christmas more. So what are my plans? Well.. I have no plans of dressing up, attending parties and to go trick-or-treating. I'd stay indoors and hope that monsters won't get me. LOL.

October 12, 2011

Dear Reader

Dear Reader,

Give me five more minutes. Thanks.


*Wow. I haven't updated this blog in months. The last update was last August. Oh, poor neglected blog. Truth is, I ran out of nice short letters to write.. that I decided to delete it. Boo! But it's back now. Hooray! :)

Ooh, before I forget..

I thank Zoe for the Liebster Blog award she gave me. Also, to Hazel for loving this blog. You're such a doll. Thanks so much. And to all of my awesome blog followers.. I thank you for following still. You're all great! ♥